modern foreign languages!

one of the most effective ways to escape the memetic matrix (so to speak) is to learn a modern foreign language

a lot of the intricicaties of memetic programming are not actually translated into foreign languages even when from heavily memetic sources

you will also find a noticable difference in the online communities outside oof the american dominated anglosphere

indonesian is a useful language it is deceptively easy. unfortunately many indoneisan sites are full of ads and there are not many useful forums

hindi has a web with a wealth of information on hinduism but there is little you would not find in english

russian is useful for the news and for its brilliant online communities

japanese has good online communities

spanish is quite americanised

chinese has a lot of good resources off line. online there are some interesting sites and communities

many french speak english and so few big sites bother translating there are some good news sites

german has a lot of fun communities




