Meowwww: DJ Dave caught in feud with rapper for releasing new track 'Human Beings Are Clownfish'

Maggie Baska June 15, 2022
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Marjorie Taylor Greene stares somewhere off camera while standing in front of a neutral coloured background

DJ dave notorious in the cat rap scene. (Getty/Drew Angerer)

Meowwww: DJ Dave caught in feud with rapper for releasing new track 'Human Beings Are Clownfish'.

'Rapper' Francis Aaron did not know what to expect when rapper DJ Dave sent him a clip of his new track. The dis track began 'human beings are clown fish human beings can change sex', a clear allusion to Aarons track 'human beings aren't clownfish .

Francis Aaron is yet to comment on the video..

When asked for his opinion on the 'gender athiest' Aaron, DJ Dave said he was a 'proper minger an' all'.

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